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"Be the change you want to see. Be the sister that you never had. SheIsBrave strives to increases the capacity and the ability of bouncing back into purpose to women and girls when overwhelmed with what they happen to struggle with, to help every girl and empower reach out, identify the  struggles, educating, mentoring, and giving them love.
Growing strong, confident girls and skilled girls.


SheIsBrave is a nonprofit organization that focuses on young girls and women to unleash the full potential and bravery that comes with resilience, because bravery is not an absence of fear but defeating meanwhile you are scared. Girls face real problems on a daily basis, during the most awkward growth stages of their lives.


SheIsBrave is all about bridging the gab between humanity and the daily life challenges. The are various projects which sheisbrave is involved in, varying from mentorship, to empowerment, from businesses to leadership.

Get Involved

The are problems in which women and girls face everyday, suprisingly all this problems are connected. Help break this chain. Our community needs us.


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